Wednesday, July 16, 2014

For those of you that have been waiting for me to post, I say thanks, and don't despair. My plan is to start posting my first documented "work in progress" sometime around the 1st of August. It will be a couple of firsts for me. My first WIP, from start to finish. My first blog documentation, my first aircraft built with very minimal aftermarket, (actually, only the wheels will be AM), and my first Italian aircraft ever.

I plan to build the Special Hobby Fiat G.50bis Freccia with my only aftermarket being the wheels, which are from CMK. I can't stand round aircraft wheels. They look much too cartoonish in my eyes. Nothing that has any weight, and is supported by pneumatic tires, is supported by perfectly round tires. Look around. Your car, motorcycle, bicycle, wheelbarrow, lawn mower, etc...has circles supporting them. I've tried flattening them myself using various techniques, but, honestly, mine always either still look too round, or deflated. I'm not too proud to admit when I just can't master a skill and would rather purchase something that looks right, than screw up more than I have too.

As some may, or may not, know, I've spent the last few years building armor dioramas. Some I've kept, but most were either donated to military units on Ft. Bragg, or veteran friends and history freaks. Unfortunately, my last two builds started to lose their luster. I found myself getting too wrapped up in the detail work, and not having the fun I once had. My final, (for now), diorama depicting an M7 Priest in action, has taken me over a year, and I still have a few months or less left on it, so I decided to start working on larger scale aircraft. My first being the Wonderfully engineered Tamiya Spitfire Mk.IXc done in the markings of George Beurling, the "Falcon Of Malta". I then started on what is turning into an epic build for me, a Wingnut Wings Albatros D.v. It's only epic due to self inflicted stupidity.

As for Italian aircraft, I've never built one. Prior my return to model building years ago, I had built aircraft of all types. Mostly in 1/48 or 1/72, with a couple old Revell 1/32 in the mix, but never anything from Italy. Since I tend to favor the unique, I figured how much more unique can you get than either the aforementioned Fiat, or a Macchi? In my younger days, you could get any aircraft you wanted, as long as it was from the "Big 4", (US, UK, Germany or Japan), and it was popular, (Spitfire, Mustang, Zero, Me109), so needless to say, the idea of anything Italian or Russian was unheard of.

So there you have it. A new blog, about a new build, of a new type of aircraft. Starting in a new month.

Maybe, one of these days, I'll get around to posting pics of my previous builds.